Page 16 - Secret of Deliberate Creation (Robert Anthony) : Flip It & Read It
P. 16


                                     The Lone Wolf

             You always have the option to go it alone, be a lone wolf and
             carve out your own path to manifesting what you want in life. And
             you may find some success this way, but let me shed some light
             on what the lone wolf path is like. I’d like to share with you my
             personal journey.

             Not many people know this, but early in life I struggled with
             money issues. Earning it, not handling it properly, not having
             enough, living in fear of losing what I had - were all issues in my
             When I was first introduced to the idea of manifesting or the Law
             of Attraction, it was just an intellectual concept. (I now call it
             Deliberate Creation)  And when I tried to apply that concept
             specifically to money, it scared the heck out of me.

             Despite how much I knew at a deep inner level about being in
             alignment, I still lived in financial fear. And those fears kept me
             from applying what I KNEW was the truth. So I – maybe like you
             feel right now – felt stuck.

             I had all the information I needed to be free.  But I just could not
             get myself to DO IT.

             I was on my own, desperately trying to figure this whole money
             manifestation thing out.  Finally, after years of study and research,
             I had a revelation.

             Although I intellectually KNEW about Deliberate Creation I wasn’t
             KNOWING Deliberate Creation.  In other words, in not trusting
             this Universal Law of manifestation I was causing it to NOT exist
             in my financial life.

             I was caught in a trap of my own making. I needed to walk the
             walk, not just talk the talk. It was at that point I decided to follow –
             to the letter – exactly what I will share with you in The Secret of
             Deliberate Creation.
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